Saturday, August 28, 2010

8/28/10 We Made it to the Beach!!!

We just found out that we are staying 10 minutes walking distance to the beach. Like I have mentioned, we are staying in a location that is not known for it's safety-get off the T at JFK. We had decided to go to a Brazilian Carnival which was on Martin Luther King Street (By the way, Jared unknowing our plans just told me to always stay away from JFK and MLK streets because based on his "observation", they are always dangerous). On our way to MLK blvd. we run in to some locals of the JFK neighborhood. The one where cops are banging on doors looking for suspects. They ask us where we're going and when they find out, they tell us that we better watch our bags. They tell us to stand by cops while we're there and we should be safe. We decided to go still, and on the way chatted with some people again. when they found out, they again told us to be careful because there are shootings in that neighborhood.  The second group convinced us to change directions. The same group suggested we go to the beach which we found out was about 10  minutes away. That sounded fantastic, so we spent the day there

There was a radio station at the beach offering $1000 dollars. All we had to do was put our names in a drawing, be one of the 10 chosen, and throw the tennis ball into the top hole. Luciano and I both knew he would be called, so I told him to start visualizing winning so that it could become a reality. He just told me that unfortunately prior to seeing the game during his visualizing times, he thought it was a ring toss. He did not win. Nobody won.

After the 10 went, everybody there got a couple chances to win other prizes. So I had to try, but as I was standing there, all of my P.E./softball/throwing any kind of ball insecurities flared. If you have ever seen me play softball, you know what I'm talking about. Whenever we had to practice our softball skills in P.E class, I feigned sickness due to my embarrassing lack of abilities.

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