Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19-The Last Family Night

Every Thursday night we get together with our family for a big dinner. This was the last one Luciano and I will experience for quite some time. It's so interesting to see all the different people who come. Tonight we celebrated my grandma's birthday-Mom's mom. So my mom's parents were there, my dad's mom, my dad's brother and 2 of his 4 kids, Greg and Michael were there, Greg's girlfriend, uncle Chris, My mom's cousin's son Lance, and Joci, Scott and the kids. The group seems to be growing bigger and bigger. I am just amazed that my mom works during the day and comes home to make a huge meal for a house full of people every Thursday night. I doubt I will ever have her talent. She is amazing!


  1. JANELLE!!! Why didn't you tell me you'd just gone to Paul's Country Kitchen? We could have gone somewhere else :( I feel bad. Anyhow, are you safe and sound??? I have been thinking of you both all day long today and already miss you sooooooo much!! xoxo Cindy

  2. I love it! I hadn't eaten there in over a year and a 1/2 since we lived out of the area. I miss you too!!! We are here. It's raining, and I already bought my first jacket.
