Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10-The Screamer

We have a neighbor accross the alley we call The Screamer. Last weekend, at least twice a day, she would look out her window and scream at the top of her lungs any variation of "Shut the @#*& up.  Get out of here, I'm trying to sleep. Knock it off. Do you have a work permit to work on Sundays? I'm gonna call the cops". This would happen 11:30 in the afternoon as well as 9:00 at night and any other time she felt like screaming in between those times. The strange thing is there wasn't much noise to scream at, but she was screaming anyway. Every time she would do it, I would rush around trying to find my video camera, but this is the only video I have been able to capture so far. Partially out of disorganization, but also partially out of fear that she will see me videoing her and turn her tirade toward me. The video is just the tail end of one of her bouts.

So on the night of the 8th (with work the next day), a group people decided to hang out in the alley behind our place yelling, laughing, and probably drinking. They decided to use a paintball gun to shoot the rat that was living in the trash, so evertime they would shoot, a loud bang echoed through the alley when the ball hit the dumpster. We woke up at 11:30 PM and it continued past 1:00 AM. I kept hoping for "The Screamer" to save us. Silence from her window. Nothing. But if there is one thing I have learned from her, scream when you need to.(I didn't though)

Luciano and I decided that she is probably only here on the weekends, because it's Friday today and he has already heard her. I'll try to get better video this weekend

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